On Friday evening, 4th October, ERG member David
Turner gave a talk at Embsay Village Hall. It was an excellent presentation based
around a little card lent to him by local resident John Smith. An intriguing
little note scrawled on the back of an invitation to a Victorian musical soiree launched David into
a fascinating journey as he researched the man who wrote it and the possible
story behind the note. His research was,
as always, very thorough and the result is a lovely story, although still full
of questions which may never be answered. Everyone enjoyed the evening and
there was quite a buzz over the coffee and biscuits afterwards.
David will be giving the talk to other local societies over
the next few months (see dates below) – hopefully the story will be posted on the UWHG website’s
Embsay Pages early next year.
Thurs. 24th October 2013 - "The Poor Man and the Lady" at Skipton & Craven History Society, Swadford Centre, Skipton (7.30pm)
Wed. 4th Dec. 2013 - "Come thou vilest sinner - The rise and fall of the Primitive Methodists in Embsay and Skipton, 1821-1932" - Skipton Civic Society, Soroptimists Rooms, Otley Street, Skipton (7.30pm)
Wed. 11th Dec. 2013 - "The Poor Man and the Lady" - Friends of the Museum, Skipton Town Hall (7.30pm)
Thurs. 16th Jan. 2014 - "Come thou vilest sinner - The rise and fall of the Primitive Methodists in Embsay and Skipton, 1821-1932" - Embsay Methodist Guild, Methodist Church, Embsay (1.45 pm)
Jane Lunnon