Monday, 25 March 2019

Last Wednesday we went over to Long Preston near Settle, to meet two photographers, from the Long Preston Heritage Group there, who have asked to be trained in the technique of RTI.

We met up with 5 members of the group who would like to see some kind of Churchyard Project take place in the village. Hopefully by photographing a selection of gravestones and setting up a small exhibition later in the spring or early summer they can raise some interest in taking it further.

We had a really good day discussing the potential of such a project. Part of the day was spent in the churchyard where Alan trained the two photographers, and the rest of us chatted to the others about gravestones and showed them how they can be looked at with a fresh eye, and in so many different ways. 
In the afternoon Alan demonstrated the processing of the photographs and produced a good result from one of the gravestones that is heavily lichen-covered.

We do hope that the Group can get enough interest going to do their own survey – hopefully the Settle project will provide additional encouragement.

Jane Lunnon

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