Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Wednesday 11th December 2019 

We spent a cold dreek morning at Holy Trinity Churchyard today – a combination of wet stones from last night’s heavy rain, and the morning’s bright sunshine meant half the churchyard wasn’t suitable for any RTI photography of ledgers. However we did select a few up in the shadow of a boundary wall. 

Sue & Jennifer discuss a plan of action for the day
While I focused on taking as many ordinary photos of ledgers as I could and Sue carried on collecting data on gravestone measurements, Alan, Tony & Jennifer set up the RTI camera scaffold. But then they hit a snag as the camera and flash unit refused to work together. 

After several hours of only partial success with the RTI we called it a day. It had clouded over anyway, and was getting bitterly cold and drizzly. 
Packing up as the clouds threaten rain
We retreated into the little café at the back of the church and had a nice long chat over lunch before going home.

Jane Lunnon

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